Find Out How Laughing Keeps your Stress Under Control

Learn how to keep your stress in check with laughter!

Stress is inevitable; it’s a normal part of life, especially in the workplace. With projects, deadlines, meetings and maintaining office dynamics, it’s easy for work to become a cesspool for stress. However, too much stress is detrimental to your health. It can cause serious health complications such as heart disease, obesity, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and depression. While there are many ways to help manage your stress, from exercise to meditation, perhaps one of the best medicines for stress is laughter. Check out how laughter can contribute to alleviating your stress and improve your overall health.

Increased Oxygen

When you laugh, you pull in more oxygen. The more oxygen your body has, the better able your muscles, heart, and lungs can function. As the body absorbs oxygen, your brain releases mood-boosting chemicals called endorphins, creating the feeling of happiness.

Reduces Tension

It’s no secret that stress is bad for your health. However, laughter can help you to relax and unwind. Just as laughing increases activity in your heart, muscles, and lungs, it helps to increase stimulation. The more circulation, the better able your muscles can relax, which reduces your stress.

Boosts Immune System

The more stressed you are, the weaker your immune system becomes. In fact, a pessimistic outlook on life has various ill effects on your health. Change your negative perspective for a more positive one. The more that you laugh, the more positive you become; so much so that your positive thinking can help to release neuropeptides that work to fight stress and illness.

When it comes to your workplace, it’s imperative to manage your stress. Get the relief that you need with a little laughter and the right health insurance. For assistance with employee health benefits, contact the professionals at Stromsoe Insurance!


The August 2017 update of Mike Stromsoe’s The Protection Coach® has arrived. This issue is jam-packed with all the latest news and tips for clients and friends of Stromsoe Insurance Agency.

The Protection Coach® – August 2017 (Click Here to View)

Inside this edition..

• Our Promise To YOU
• Umbrella Insurance
• Understanding Business Owner Policies
• Quick Tips: Back To School
• Congratulations to Melissa and Travis Pellerin, our Awesome Clients of the Month. Thank you for your business!

Insuring a Coupe vs. a Sedan

Decide on which ride is best for you.

Don’t ever judge a book by its cover! Conventional wisdom might suggest that a bright and attractive coupe might be more to insure than your run-of-the-mill family sedan. However, it’s always important to remember that a lot more goes into calculating car insurance premiums. Aesthetics are just the tip of the iceberg; statistics play a heavy part, as well.

What’s the difference between a coupe and sedan?

This definition is actually fairly simple! A sedan is typically referring to a vehicle with four doors, while a coupe suggests just having two doors. The word coupe actually stems from the French word for “cut” referring to the traditional way that original coupes “cut out” the rear seating areas completely.

Recent coupe models now have the best of both worlds.

They have two rows of seating while also keeping the sleek two-door appearance that drivers love. The coupe is starting to change to appeal to a larger market by increasing backseat legroom. However, sedans almost always offer a roomier backseat than its counterpart.

How well does your car protect its riders?

A car’s safety features can help keep passengers safe while also helping you cash in on discounts on your premium. The idea that you’ll be less likely injured in a crash is both important to you and your insurance company. Theoretically, if your coupe tends to protect passengers more efficiently than a rival sedan, the coupe could pay less for coverage.

How expensive is it to repair or replace your vehicle?

Accidents are far more common than we’d like to admit. It’s the insurance provider’s responsibility to try to make things correct again. Because of that, insurers will consider how pricey repair and replacement costs may be after a major accident. Whether it’s a coupe or sedan is less important than the overall cost of replacement.

Now that you know what type of factors play into the cost of insurance, be sure that you secure the right policy for your needs. At Stromsoe Insurance, we’re dedicated to giving each driver the coverage they can count on. Visit us today to get started.

How to Conduct Your Home Inventory

Part of keeping your home safe is protecting it with reliable homeowners insurance.

You may think that you know exactly what is in your home. However, when it comes to the aftermath of a disaster, and you have to list which items you’ve lost, valuing your personal property from memory is harder than you think.

For this reason, home insurers ask homeowners to complete a thorough home inventory of all possessions. By having a physical list and photographic evidence of home contents, insurers can match coverage to the value of items accurately. Also, filing a claim is made that much simpler!

Here’s how to get started!

Put It On Paper

Write down a list of all of your belongings. The written description should include the date of purchase, original cost, and any improvements. Write down serial numbers for TVs, computers, and electronics, as well as keeping receipts along with the paperwork. As you sell or buy new belongings, ensure to add or remove the items from this list.

Shoot It

If you have a video camera, use it to establish additional documentation of your home and belongings for insurance purposes. Recording valuable items may be used as evidence in the case of theft, fire, or damage. As a rule of thumb, scan all rooms, shoot close-ups of all valuable items, and provide auto-commentary of details that may not be visually apparent. Store this tape in a locked file cabinet and upload it to the computer so that you have a digital copy.

Store It

Once you’ve captured all of your belongings on video and paper, you’ll want to store these files safely. If your home burns down, a home inventory will be of little use if it burns down with it. First, make a digital copy of both and email them to yourself. Secondly, keep the papers and video film in a fireproof box safely in the home or outside of the property.

Update It

Once you have established a complete inventory of your property, it should be easy to update it periodically.

PLUS, we have an app for that!  Contact our team to find out more about our awesome mobile application to help walk you through your entire home inventory process right from your smartphone – Call 951-600-5751 Today!

Now that your home inventory is complete, contact Stromsoe Insurance today to get your reliable homeowners insurance.

Tips for Buying Business Insurance

Shopping for your business’s insurance policy? Here’s what you need to consider first.

No two businesses are alike. Similarly, no two companies share the same risks and threats that can impact the stability, finances, and staff. Buying business insurance for your small company can be a frustrating process. Finding the right policy can feel like you’re looking for a needle in the haystack. In actuality, giving up and settling for a mediocre policy can do more damage to your business than it can good.

Before you select one with a low premium and minimum coverage, here’s what you need to know about buying business insurance.

Look past the premium.

Expenses are important to your business, and you will want to keep to a minimum. For small business owners with limited budgets, it can be tempting to make a decision based on the price. Keep in mind that you’re purchasing insurance to protect your business. Always look at a policy to ensure that it doesn’t leave out coverage you may want later on and that it has high enough limits to suit your company.

Evaluate the policy for gaps.

The defining details of each policy are inclusions (covered events) and exclusions (events that your insurance won’t account for). Pay attention to these items because they determine the terms of your coverage. For instance, when reviewing coverage for commercial auto insurance you’ll want to check that you have insurance for bodily injuries, property damage liability, collision coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, and personal injury protection.

Understand limits and deductibles.

Your policy limits are the stated amount that your insurance provider will pay for a specific event, instance, or claim. Your limits ultimately decide the extent of protection your business receives for liability lawsuits and other losses. While you check your limits, ensure that your deductibles are well within your business’s monthly budget.

Skip the search of finding the right business insurance in your area to suit your needs – contact Stromsoe Insurance to find out how our protective policies can meet your business’ needs.