Ask These Life Insurance Questions Before You Buy!

These life insurance questions are important to ask before you pick your policy.

Life insurance is important. Just as important as buying a policy is making sure you choose the right one. How, exactly, do you do that? By asking the right questions. Pose these life insurance questions to your agent before you buy a policy to make sure you’re choosing the right one for your family.

What type of policy makes the most sense for me?

Your life insurance agent will be able to show you how term or whole life insurance policies work, and which one is likely the best fit. A term policy is great if you just want to cover a certain season of life (e.g. until your mortgage is paid off or your kids graduate college) as they’re more affordable and expire after the term is up. A whole policy is best if you want your policy to build cash value and last your lifetime.

What else can I get out of my policy?

The majority of life insurance policies allow you to add riders, which can help you do things like pay your policy premiums if you become disabled or receive a lump sum payment if you become terminally ill.

Am I buying enough?

All too many people expect that Social Security will cover their income replacement for their families if they pass away. Actually, though, Social Security is only paid out if your surviving spouse is over 60 or your kids are under 18. If that’s not you, turn to life insurance to protect your family from financial hardship.

Now that you know to ask the right life insurance questions, it’s important that you ask them of someone who can give you the right answers. For that kind of knowledge and service, contact Stromsoe Insurance Agency. We’re dedicated to helping families across California get the life insurance policies they deserve!

Stop Water Damage Expense Before It Starts With This Guide & Homeowners Insurance

Use these tips and your CA homeowners insurance to avoid water damage expense.

Water damage can be a serious hassle. Even a small leak can spike your water bill and have you reaching for the mop. More water damage is even more problematic – and expensive. Just an inch of water in your home can easily do tens of thousands of dollars of damage. Are you ready to handle the cost of replacing your flooring and personal belongings and drying out your walls? You won’t have to be with this water damage prevention guide and your CA homeowners insurance!

  • Look for hidden leaks. While you may not be able to spot them right away, you can get tipped off to them by keeping an eye on your water bill. If you see your bill start to climb or are suddenly hit with a higher-than-usual total, odds are you’ve got a leak.
  • Clean out your gutters! It’s simple, but having cleared gutters makes it possible for rain to run off your home through the right channels, instead of down your walls and into your foundation.
  • Watch where you plant certain things. Weeping willows are a great example of a tree of which you should be wary. Their invasive roots an infamous for growing straight through pipes, sprinkler systems, and even septic tanks. Do your homework before planting to make sure you avoid this kind of issue.
  • Take care of your pipes. Stay away from drain unclogging chemicals, which can damage them, and instead choose to use a drain snake. Also, avoid pouring grease down your sink at all costs!

The good news? Even if you do experience water damage, your homeowners insurance could cover it! To figure out exactly how much water damage your policy offers – and if it’s enough – contact Stromsoe Insurance Agency. As California homeowners insurance experts, we can protect you against water damage costs and other unforeseen financial burdens!

Slow Cooker Spiced Nuts Recipe to Spice Up Your Holiday!

Make your holiday as delicious as it is easy with this recipe for slow cooker spiced nuts.

The holidays are the most delicious time of the year, but they can quickly get old if you’re tired of slaving away in the kitchen. We want you to be able to enjoy the tastes and smells of the holidays without breaking your back over a hot stove, so we’ve hand-picked this surprisingly simple holiday recipe. You’ll be a favorite at every party you attend in the coming weeks if you bring these slow cooker spiced nuts!


  • Heavy-duty foil and cooking spray
  • 3 tablespoons of melted, unsalted butter
  • ¼ cup of pure maple syrup
  • 2 teaspoons of finely grated orange zest
  • 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of kosher salt
  • 2 cups of unsalted roasted cashews
  • 2 cups of raw pecans

Make cleanup as easy as this recipe by lining your slow cooker with heavy duty foil and spraying it with cooking spray.

In a large bowl, whisk the butter and maple syrup with the orange zest, cinnamon, cayenne, and salt. Pour in the nuts and toss until they’re coated. Pour the nuts into your lined and sprayed slow cooker, move them around until you have an even layer, and cover and cook on high. Cook for about an hour, just until you have a light syrup at the bottom of your slow cooker. Stir the nuts.

Turn the heat down to low and let cook until the bottom of your slow cooker is dry (about an hour), stirring every 20 minutes.

Turn off your slow cooker, take off the cover, and let your nuts harden. Stir them every once in a while so they don’t get too clumped together. You can store these spiced nuts in an airtight container for up to five days, so make a big batch!

Happy holidays from Stromsoe Insurance Agency! For all of your insurance needs throughout California, contact our dedicated team today.

How To: Avoid Holiday Hazards at Home

Keep your holiday merry by avoiding these home holiday hazards.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! We don’t want to dampen your holiday season in any way, but we do want to remind you that this time of year is also filled with hazards. The good news is that if you take steps to avoid holiday hazards at home, you can keep this time of year merry, bright, and safe! Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Theft claims increase by 7 percent during the holiday season. Make sure you’re home isn’t targeted by keeping valuables out of the way of windows and having your mail collected if you’ll be heading out of town.
  • Home fire claims also heat in the coming weeks, and by a shocking 15 percent! Choose flame-resistant decorations, avoid stringing more than the manufacturer-recommended number of light strands together and overloading outlets, and make sure all candles are blown out and lights are turned off when you go to bed. Your décor might not be the spark, though. When you’re in the kitchen, keep a close eye on all your items. If you know you’re cooking on a hectic day, set timers for yourself so you don’t forget!
  • Sewer back-up claims climb up by 19 percent during the holidays. Be careful about how you dispose of your kitchen waste. If you’re completely confident your garbage disposal can handle the job, dispose of it in the garbage. Also, keep plungers where guests can easily find them. Better a slight eyesore than a major cleanup!

We hope this guide helps you stay safe, but it’s not the only protection we want to offer.  Contact Stromsoe Insurance Agency in California to put a homeowners insurance policy to protect your home for the holidays and throughout the rest of the year.