August Home Maintenance To-Do-List

With summer’s end fast approaching, we must think about what home maintenance projects we can conduct to keep our homes in tip-top shape year round. While we still have a few summer days left to enjoy, we do not want you to go overboard trying to clean and maintain everything. Add these items to your August home maintenance to-do-list:

  • As allergy sneezes seem to be the soundtrack for your summer, start cleaning to prevent and eliminate allergens. Dust mites often cause allergies to peak during the summer months. Clean all surfaces where dust lurks, including the window blinds, fan blades, etc. If you have carpet in your home, make a conscious effort to vacuum regularly.
  • If you have taken advantage of the perfect weather conditions and have hosted multiple barbecue parties this summer, you will want to give the grill a good cleaning. Heat your grill for 10-15 minutes and burn off any remaining residue. Next, scrub the grill with a wire brush. If your grill does not have a cover, you will want to purchase one to keep it protected during the colder months.
  • Make sure to plan a special weekend for Labor Day – Okay, okay, this is not home maintenance, but it is still necessary! We celebrate Labor Day to honor the American workers that strive for success on a daily basis. So maybe put off cleaning the grill until after you throw a party for Labor Day with all of your friends and family. There is no better way to send off summer than with a barbecue party.

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