Ask These Life Insurance Questions Before You Buy!

These life insurance questions are important to ask before you pick your policy.

Life insurance is important. Just as important as buying a policy is making sure you choose the right one. How, exactly, do you do that? By asking the right questions. Pose these life insurance questions to your agent before you buy a policy to make sure you’re choosing the right one for your family.

What type of policy makes the most sense for me?

Your life insurance agent will be able to show you how term or whole life insurance policies work, and which one is likely the best fit. A term policy is great if you just want to cover a certain season of life (e.g. until your mortgage is paid off or your kids graduate college) as they’re more affordable and expire after the term is up. A whole policy is best if you want your policy to build cash value and last your lifetime.

What else can I get out of my policy?

The majority of life insurance policies allow you to add riders, which can help you do things like pay your policy premiums if you become disabled or receive a lump sum payment if you become terminally ill.

Am I buying enough?

All too many people expect that Social Security will cover their income replacement for their families if they pass away. Actually, though, Social Security is only paid out if your surviving spouse is over 60 or your kids are under 18. If that’s not you, turn to life insurance to protect your family from financial hardship.

Now that you know to ask the right life insurance questions, it’s important that you ask them of someone who can give you the right answers. For that kind of knowledge and service, contact Stromsoe Insurance Agency. We’re dedicated to helping families across California get the life insurance policies they deserve!