Moving With Your Homeowners Insurance

Do You Have The Protection You Need For Your New Home?

Moving is always hectic. You have to get every single thing you own (not to mention those unruly family members!) from point A to point B, but even after the move is done you do not get to stop there. You still have all of the fun of unpacking ahead! To make this process less stressful, it is important to have your insurance coverage figured out well in advance of moving day. To help, here are a few questions to consider.

  • Can My Policy Move With Me? Because your new home is, well, new, it will need a new policy. Your new place comes with its own unique exposures and risks that your previous policy will likely be insufficient to cover.
  • What About My Old House? If you are leaving your old house vacant while you are waiting for it to sell or on the hunt for renters, carry vacant home coverage for it. Vandals and thieves can take advantage of an unattended house, but this type of policy can protect you from paying out of pocket to restore the house in which you are no longer living.
  • When Should I Get Coverage? In most cases, you will need to provide proof of insurance before you close on your new home. Even if this is not required of you, it is a good idea to have coverage from day one to protect your important investment. Your policy could even protect your belongings while they are being moved from your old house.

Fortunately, an insurance expert can make answering these questions and getting the coverage you need a snap! Contact Stromsoe Insurance Agency for all of your California homeowner’s insurance needs. Do not leave your new place without the protection it deserves.