If you own your own business, there are quite a few insurance products you can use to protect yourself against possible loss and damage. A comprehensive insurance plan will include all of these insurance policies, and there may be discounts available for bundling multiple insurance options together.
Workers’ compensation insurance is required by most states for full-time employees. It will protect you against claims if your employees are injured on the job. Life and disability insurance and health insurance are additional employee benefits that are often offered. Health insurance will become mandatory for many employees starting January 1, 2014.
Commercial auto insurance is a necessity for those that require their employees to drive while on the job, and general liability insurance can protect businesses from injuries that happen on their premises or due to the negligence of their staff. Product liability insurance is vital for those that manufacture products such as consumer goods.
Property and casualty insurance is one of the most common types of insurance and will protect against property damage, while business interruption insurance will insure your company against the potential of lost revenue due to unforeseen events.
For more information about business insurance and your insurance needs contact the commercial insurance experts at Stromsoe Insurance Agency.