Avoid The Mistake Of Underinsuring Your Home
In order to feel secure within your home, you must feel confident in your homeowners’ insurance policy. Yet, many homeowners fail to give their homeowners’ insurance policy the attention it deserves. When was the last time you updated your homeowners’ insurance policy? We want you to be receiving the protection you deserve, which is why we have gathered a few common situations that may mean you are underinsured:
- If you recently upgraded your home and conducted home renovations, chances are you are enjoying your new deck without sufficient coverage. There are so many planning measures associated with home renovations that many homeowners fail to update their policy. Failure to do so can result in insufficient coverage when you are in need of insurance most.
- Before having construction performed on your home, make sure to request a total component-rebuilding estimate. Often, insufficient coverage occurs because higher construction costs of today are not properly factored into your coverage. Since you have insured your home for the cost to replace it if a devastating disaster occurred, it is important that you factor in higher construction costs.
- If you live in an older home, it is important that you consider the unique characteristics of your home. Many older homes are constructed with higher quality materials and top quality craftsmanship when compared to the materials used in modern homes. Therefore, you must discuss these unique characteristics with your homeowners’ insurance agent to ensure that your beautiful home is receiving ultimate protection.
Please do not hesitate to give us a call to confirm coverage of your homeowners’ insurance policy. Contact Stromsoe Insurance Agency for all of your California homeowners’ insurance needs. We will go above and beyond to provide you with the protection you deserve.