Keep Your Stress Under Control This April

Learn how to better manage your stress this month.

April is National Stress Awareness Month, a campaign that asks Americans to recognize the damaging effects of stress on our mental, emotional, and physical health. In honor of this month, you should make an effort to minimize your stress. Not sure where you should start? Here are some tips to help you keep your stress under control this April.

Make Time to Relax

Whether you enjoy reading, exercising, watching television, or another activity, we all have something that helps us relax. Whatever works for you, it’s important that you set aside time every day to pursue these relaxing activities. When you make time to de-stress you can deal with some of the stress that has built up during the course of the day. By taking the time to relax, you will feel re-charged and better able to tackle the high-stress situations that might be awaiting you.

Talk Through Your Stress

Another great way to keep your stress levels down is by talking about the things that stress you out. When you bottle up your stress, it just builds up and becomes increasingly debilitating. Not only will talking through your stress leave you feeling relieved, but it can also help the stressful situation seem more manageable.

Learn to Say “No”

More often than not, people manufacture their own stress by taking on more responsibility than they can feasibly manage. While there’s nothing wrong with challenging yourself, there’s a difference between pushing your limits and ignoring them completely. When you learn to say “no” to the responsibilities that will spread you too thin, you will find that you are less stressed and better able to focus on the other tasks at hand.

Try out these suggestions to help you better manage your stress this month.  Want another way to avoid stress?  Turn to Stromsoe Insurance Agency for assistance with all your insurance needs.  Located in Murrieta, California we are ready to assist you with all your insurance needs.  Contact us to get started today.

Welcome Our Newest Team Member…

We are excited to announce one of our newest team members, Jennifer Smith.

Jennifer will be helping our team with Agency Support.  She graduated from Cal Baptist University in 2007, where she received a Dual Teaching Credential.  (K-6 & Mild Moderate Special Ed)  She was born and raised in Southern California.  Jennifer and her high school sweetheart, Matt met in 1999 and have been happily married for 11 years.  If she isn’t helping with local Rotary Leadership Camps, then she is probably at Disneyland or Harry Potter Land!  Our team is so grateful to have her.

Welcome Jennifer!!!

Does Your Business Need Equipment Breakdown Insurance?

Here’s why you should invest in equipment breakdown coverage for your business.

While you probably already have standard insurance coverage for your business, these standard policies might not be offering all the coverage that your business needs. For instance, if your business relies on the use of specialty equipment, you will need specialized coverage options to protect it. This is where equipment breakdown insurance comes into play. Here’s what you need to know about this type of commercial coverage.

You Commercial Property Policy Doesn’t Protect Your Equipment

While you might think that your business’s equipment is completely covered by your commercial property policy, this isn’t entirely true. Commercial property insurance only covers damages and losses that result from issues such as vandalism or theft. If your equipment sustains damages from other issues, such as mechanical breakdown, your commercial property coverage won’t do anything to help.

What Does Equipment Breakdown Insurance Cover?

The best way to protect your business’s equipment from mechanical breakdown, electrical arcing, explosion of boilers, and so on is with equipment breakdown coverage. This type of insurance provides coverage for equipment that requires immediate repair or replacement. This type of policy applies to the following categories of equipment:

  • Electrical
  • Air Conditioning
  • Refrigeration
  • Boiler and Pressure Vessel
  • Computer and Communications
  • Mechanical
  • Renewable and Alternative Energy
  • Production Systems

Why It’s Worth It

While equipment breakdown coverage is not a mandatory type of coverage, this insurance is the best way to safeguard your business against the potentially catastrophic effects of equipment breakdown. Take a moment to think about what might happen if a key piece of equipment needed repairs that you could not afford. You would likely miss deadlines, strain customer relations, and lose revenue. When you realize what’s at stake, you will recognize that equipment breakdown insurance is a worthwhile investment for your business.

Here’s why your business should have equipment breakdown coverage.  Looking for the right commercial coverages to meet your business’s needs?  Contact the experts at Stromsoe Insurance Agency in Murrieta, California.  Our dedicated team is ready to get you the coverage that you need today.

Welcome Ryan James To The Stromsoe Insurance Family…

We would like to welcome Ryan James , born March 31, 2018, to the Stromsoe Insurance Agency family.  We are happy to report everyone is healthy and home.

Congratulations to proud parents Krista Clements and Andrew Reynolds on the new addition to their family.  Krista and Andrew are absolutely in LOVE with their little bundle of joy.  Krista has been apart of our Total Protection Team since 2010 and we could not be more happy for the amazing new addition to their family!

Ryan James

Born March 31, 2018

7 lbs 14 oz and 20 1/2 inches long



Why Your Auto Insurance Rates are High

Here are some of the factors that can raise your auto insurance rates.

While no one wants to pay more for their auto insurance than they have to, sometimes there are legitimate reasons that explain why your insurance rates are on the higher side. Curious to find out why your car insurance is more expensive? Here are some of the reasons that could explain your higher rates.

  • You Drive a Specialty Vehicle

If you drive a specialty or high-maintenance vehicle, you shouldn’t expect your financial investment to end at the dealership. Drivers who own specialty vehicles tend to have higher insurance rates than drivers who own standard vehicles. This rate disparity is because specialty vehicles tend to require specialty parts, specialty services, and have higher repair costs when compared to standard cars.

  • You Set a Low Deductible

Your insurance deductible refers to the amount of money you agree to pay towards a claim before your insurance coverage kicks in. For instance, if you have a deductible of $500 and get into an accident, you would have to pay $500 worth of repairs before you could access your insurance coverage. It’s important to understand that your deductible and premium have an inverse relationship. This means that the lower your deductible, the higher your insurance premiums will be. If you want to reduce your auto insurance rates, consider raising your deductible.

  • You Have a Poor Driving Record

Finally, if you have a history of traffic violations or filing insurance claims, you should expect to have higher insurance rates. This is because your spotty driving history will cause insurers to see you as a reckless driver. Reckless drivers are riskier to insure, and this increased risk will translate into higher insurance costs. If you would like to reduce your rates, focus on improving your driving record. Over time, you should start to see your rates drop.

These are some of the reasons why your auto insurance rates  might be on the higher side.  Do your have more questions regarding your auto insurance?  Turn to us at Stromsoe Insurance Agency in Murrieta, California.  Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with all your coverage needs.  Contact us to get started today.

How Adorable Is He??? Check Out Whose Helping Us Draw The Next Winner!!

Mike Stromsoe, teammate Krista Clements, Andrew Reynolds, and the newest member of the family, Ryan James are here to draw our next WINNER in the Inspiring Happiness By Making A Difference in 2018 Referral Rewards Program!! Are YOU the next winner?!

Drum Roll Please…

The Total Protection Team would like to thank all of our awesome clients and friends for your kind referrals to our team – Grateful for YOU!!!!

The Importance of Updating Your Home Inventory

Here’s how having an updated home inventory can help with your homeowners insurance.

While most homeowners associate spring with cleaning, there’s another household task that you should complete this spring. You should take the time to update your home inventory. A home inventory is a detailed list that records all the items in your home and what it would cost to replace these possessions. While updating your inventory is certainly tedious, it is still an important task, as it can help you with your home insurance. Here’s why having an updated home inventory is important for your homeowners insurance.

  • Having an updated home inventory can help you determine whether your homeowners insurance policy is offering you enough coverage. Most standard home insurance policies offer coverage for your personal possessions. However, this coverage has limits. Normally, you want your policy to cover about half of the value of your belongings. That’s why having an updated inventory is so essential. Once you have a clear understanding of how much your belongings are worth, you can determine whether your policy offers enough coverage to meet your needs.
  • Having an updated home inventory can also help you take stock of your possessions after dealing with a fire, burglary, or other devastating event. If you face such a serious situation, you will have to file a claim for the belongings that are damaged or missing. Using your updated inventory as a checklist, you can ensure that you do not miss any of your belongings on your claim. Ultimately, having an updated inventory will make the claims process easier and far less stressful.

These are some of the reasons why it’s important to have an updated home inventory.  Do you have further questions about your home inventory or home insurance in general?  Don’t hesitate to contact us at Stromsoe Insurance in Murrieta, California.  We are ready to assist you with all your insurance needs.