Although you may have business insurance for your company, you might have overlooked the possibility of cyber attacks that can cost you financially. Cyber liability insurance is designed to protect your small business from the possibility of losing everything to a cyber attack from professional hackers.
Before you assume that you do not actually need cyber liability insurance, consider the number of computers that your company uses. If you run an online business, then most of your data is probably stored on a computer. Now consider the possibility that a hacker has accessed your files. You’ve just lost your customer’s information, your employee’s Social Security Numbers and you might not be able to take new orders.
Protecting your business from financial loss in the event that you become the victim of a hacker is the sole purpose of the insurance. It helps you manage the unexpected situation so that you are not held responsible for the hacker’s actions after the information is stolen.
Keeping your company safe from every threat is the purpose of insurance. If you do not yet have coverage for cyber liability, you should obtain a new insurance plan. To learn more about coverage options, contact Stromsoe Insurance Agency.